Do You Juice?

An infographic that I designed while in the Graphic Design program at Algonquin College. In 2020 I decided to re-design the same infographic to showcase my skills and development as a designer. The original design lacked a consistent colour palette and layout. By taking a few elements from the original, I was able to rebuild its layout and improve the typography and colours. 


I began my process by sketching the layout which allowed me to focus on creating icons that would visualize all the data and written information. The idea was to engage the reader by making it fun. I then began to sketch and vectorize my icons that would visualize the data. This ranged from the fruits, veggies, people and cups of juice. 

I chose a monochromatic colour palette of deep to light oranges to match the bright colours of the juice. By using solid colours throughout the infographic, I was able to emphasize the iconography and the importance of certain information. 

Project Scope: 

  • Typography 

  • Illustration 

  • Print 

  • Layout


Herbal Doses


RT Kinetics